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Residential Development in Maidstone Conservation Area, Kent

The Grain Store, Gabriel's Hill, Maidstone, Kent is a  development of 22 apartments within a Conservation Area in Kent's county town. An existing former grain store most recently used as a nightclub will be replaced with a 5 storey new building with the appearance of a converted warehouse. LHLA was appointed to undertake the Landscape Design and support the planning application.  LHLA worked with Alan Glover Architect. The landscape design included a green roofsustainable drainage with water harvesting, permeable paving and inter-connected rain gardens to reduce water run-off, off-set  carbon emissions and provide green space in an inner city area where greenery is in short supply. Full planning approval.

Alan Glover birds eye view Grain Store Maidstone
LHLA Grain Store Maidstone green roof
LHLA rain garden detail Grain Store Maidstone
Alan Glover Grain Store Maidstone

email: tel: 01892 870211 mob: 07711820575 based in Penshurst, Tonbridge, Kent 



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